
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package.

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A bit lower. That’s it. No, no. Don’t touch. Stay there. This is the middle. You went like this. And you went like this. Can you see the middle is right in the middle? If it’s off it went to a different place. It’s very accurate. Mm hmm. That’s it. Lock it. See that dot? At the bottom is in the middle. If I have a turn, can you feel it’s lost? And it’s lost, it’s right in there.

And as we move, you see here. As you touch you see. As you move, lost, lost. It’s right on there all the time. Yeah. Mm hmm. You have a shape like this. My dot is in the middle at the bottom. When I push it, it went sideways and it went sideways. It has to go right here.

Yeah. So you see the response here? When I do it right, not right, right? Not right. When I do it right, immediately it is on him. Can you see it is on you? You feel that right? If it’s slightly off, slightly off. Right, it means this here is right on my middle finger. You feel. It’s right on, right? No, that’s too much. Yeah. Oh yeah.

Watch. Go, push me. Too much. Too much this way. Right in the middle. It’s on you. You feel that? If it’s here, you twist it a little bit. It’s not on you. Mm hmm mm hmm. Right there.

It must be in the middle of the pipe. If it’s too much this way it just gets caught there. So do this again, ensure, you touch the bottom and see when you think you are doing this, you moved it. It has to be like this. So to speak. That’s the bullet. Your elbow is the bullet. This dot is the bullet.

This is the pipe. That dot has to go right in the middle of the pipe. If you have this it’s lost, it’s lost, but in the future, like this here, you see it changes direction but it’s in the middle. This is not in the middle. It changes. It’s still there. Can you see it’s still there? It’s still there. You understand that now?







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