
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package. The videos are publish one a day. But when you buy the package, you will get all the videos at once.

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So now you twist without him holding me. It did not move. So i use my bicep to activate my body to go around you. My forearm is on you, it never moved. So now. I push him until there’s a response. So you guys are all moving like this. That’s why you cannot control your hand. I only move my elbow. Can you see? This is still here. This has no move. That’s why it can go here. You guys are trying to do this.

So this is the first degree of separation. There were eighteen separations on the body. So when you have more than three, your opponent has zero. He is a doll for you to do whatever you want. Because you have a range of motion he does not have. You want to increase until you have very very large and overall encompassing range of motion.

And we use that for fighting, we don’t use brute force for fighting. It is like you are stick. I have many ropes to tie you up. And the rope has a range of motion in comparison to a stick. So now you see that? Mark this one. Same. Block it. No, no. Two hands opposite, so you can lock. And now you come here. Squeeze it. Two hands, no, a little bit higher. Clear here, because this here is, when you are here, then there could be slide in hands. Rotate it. Yeah, see the bone here. It went down. And change hand. Rotate it. You feel this here. It went. And more somebody come here, put finger here. You see. Yeah, yeah, on the line.

No, give me your finger. You feel that line there. Okay, can you feel it went down? So the result, see, i’ll show you, grab me. And the support here. And stay away. Hold it. We are pushing hands.So when he is strong here, we are always doing this. Can you see here? Power. No, leave it there. No, put this here. Be stronger and it is strong, right? When he’s strong, the brain immediately shifts to here and do this. This is normal.

See look. It’s only here. There is nothing there. It is only here. It looks very simple. That’s why when i went to Hong, i didn’t believe him. He just went like this. Because can you see? This is us? He went like this. All the way here, no move. But i did not know, is just like a wind. Separation. Degrees of separation. So now you twist me. Yeah, twist it. Not enough. You watch me, so when I twist it, you feel that here?

Twist me. Hold it, do this. And somebody come in to help him. If this does not move, this one is very easy. If this moves, you cancel all your moves. Three dimensional. It locks like a nail. Now you twist. This here into here. I can you see already moving? Because that move, if i can move here, you see that my hand? Buffered.

Now, no, don’t allow. Squeeze hard. It stops. In the buck stops here. Now. This. Can you see it? It has nowhere to go. Go. But he moved. If that does not move. Hold him, the energy has nowhere to be absorbed. Only do this. I was not prepared for that one. I can move, but i,i did not.

Ok, do it again. Because i can open it, but i was pretending what happens. Okay, now you understand? I was Intentionally not moving to show it cracks. But you cracked me. Watch somebody, john, you come touch me here. And then here. Go. Can you see it’s one piece, right? Go again. I only allowed that ball. There’s no movement here. Go again, can you see? Keep, keep going.

And if it links to here, go. That’s what happens. It links to here, but now i only allow here. Can you see it went into the crack? No, i Intentionally locked it to show the result but the crack, he cracked me on it. See now you hold him here. Yeah, yeah, seize him. So, now, totally relaxed.

Can you see still links? Lock, lock this down here, no move. Can you see here? This is good. But it’s not three dimensional, is not rounded, so you will get caught here. You feel that? So i open you up on that one. So when i push him, this goes back to the thumb. You go like this. It came back to me. Otherwise,it goes to his torso. This is called yin yang. Can you see now? This here? No move. It comes here.

This has to rotate, can you see on the rotation? If i can, this is called, i want to go there, he bypassed me. He came over, if i can go in. Before he starts, can you see he can’t come back? It’s on his torso. So now, i caught you here, what you do is because i’m strong here. You drop your torso slightly. It creates a crack, and you see it is here again.

Through a series of these lock move lock move, you can create a three hundred, three hundred and sixty degree mobility everywhere. And then i cannot catch him. See, the worst is this one here. This is the worst. Yeah. Now, block and poke here. Yeah, yeah, lock lock this. Yeah, yeah.

And especially wait until i fight you. When i do this, you only. Somebody lock here for him. This has to be locked. In space. No, none of this, you have to hold it. Hold it. When i do this here, you rotate, it comes here. No, you missed it, no, you have to pull and come back. No, you lost the tension, pull and comeback tight. And see watch me.

You watch. Not, no tension. Pull, you have to have this. Can you feel? Don’t move here, we still need this to be locked. The pivot cannot move. And and then rotate, yeah, can you see? Mhm. Go go now, you try hard on me. Try hard to throw me with that. More. No, no, no move. Here, go on this here. Poke up. Aim here. No, more.

James can do it, right? Because you’re moving. Lock this here? Yeah, that’s it. Now watch. This is the problem, because when you are just learning it, you can’t control it. Like all these years, did i ever crack anybody? I have perfect sensitivity, took me many years to get. A little bit longer, the same for him. No, see watch. You are here. Can you feel little bit longer?

Ah, yeah. At this point, it’s all lost. Now, you can come here. Watch, now you can stand here. Touch here one finger. One finger. His power is to lock here. No, don’t push it. Lock it, only pull that one and push. And this is seized. If i am able to do that, it’s lost. Everything is about the two moves lock into a corner. If i can. Can you see this here? So the idea is go, i cannot move anymore, but if i can do this, i already opened it. It’s open. So you want me to. Yeah, go, this is the corner. Can you see the more i do just poke it, yeah, yeah, yeah. Here, right? But see, it’s delinked, already there.


















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