
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package. The videos are publish one a day. But when you buy the package, you will get all the videos at once.

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现在,当你上步时,但距离刚好足够,你就不能上步 。始终存在。所以我们寻找那个。差不多50/50。每个人练习手臂,在也不在。我们必须训练每个,直到你的整个身都这样。这是在的,这是不在的。但看一下,它无处不在。它无处不在。它是。




不要这样。在这里,用这里。这是这里。是的,就是这样。不,你用了上身了。再来一次。停停。看这里,因为他的身很长。当你这样做时,他可以溜出去。 这是这里,就这样走。不,不,看,顶住不要动,当你时他跑了。就在这里。别。把这个朝我拉出来。然后这个下去。


不要把他拉到一边,过去过去在这里,过去过去,直下。不要给他角度。一旦你理解了,那么你的这里第一个作,应该,这里到这里。如果仍然在这里,你就不会抓到他。看这里,如果我这样做,对抗你会看到。我正在这样,对吗?但是看。我在这。如果我的力量不在那儿,我还在这里。你看到你仍然有那力量吗? 走。别。当你这样做时,这个。对。

On off. And then there’s one from the bottom. In the future is done instantly. Until it is useful. Use the fist. Touch. It is right there. In, stay there. Go in, stay. Yeah, come out, no, come out here. Lock it there, no, no, lock it there. And add this here.

Yeah, and lift, no, doesn’t matter. Hold off. Yeah,i know you have to train that. And then here. Gradually you can make him airborne, otherwise it’s just back and forth. Watch. It is back and forth, back and forth. On this here, cave in, extend it there. To get his feet.

Does everybody have that feeling? The feeling is that there is a rod. On the rod, only the tip of the rod touches you, you slip, you split your body this way. And turn like this is here. So the Intention is there is a rod. Your dot starts to do this to the rod. You got the feeling?

So not on not off. So on off is like this. This is on, this is off. So you are looking for that it’s here, but you extend one here. It’s still there. Now, when we apply a closure body encounter?? here. This is off. This is on. But now watch, it’s on, right? But it’s sliding off. It’s all there.

So later on, we are either here or here, can you feel this here? It’s on you. Is not this way, and not this way, it’s. And gradually, it’s everywhere. Here. If we happen to be here. Halfway through. He sneaks in. Now i use here. Same thing. This is too on. This is too off. It’s the same thing. Can you see the on? On the leg, see the off? It’s the same. Every part has to be the same.

You can fight me. This is on, and this is off. Now i find. Right there, here. Also, this is on, this is off. Can you see here? On off, on off. It is two of them, right? The on off you feel it, but it’s not there. You fight. It is not there. You don’t fight it is there. When the two are together, you cannot handle it.

Put your hand here. Yeah, this is on. This is off. If it is off, he doesn’t have to defend himself. There is no threat to his center. On is, but his center is stronger. Triangle. This is one center. I’m very small force. So i do a off. On the off, it is on. The foot is also a on off. Anything that’s on you are stuck, anything is off, you slip away. Train this move and add the on off, not on not off in it.

And eventually, it’s everywhere. Experience this. Yeah, yeah, you fight me you see. This is on. Fight. This is off, but eventually fight. You see, you see, this is just right, right? It’s on all the time, not too much. The movements are still there. No stiffness, but it’s not totally off.

So the taiji fighting is called the mid mid range fighting. The first mid is we are roughly here. The second mid is, it’s here and a foot is in the middle. Otherwise, we’re here or we are here. It’s punching and kicking based, or we are here. And that’s a different kind of a mud fight. And see here there’s a space. But you think that the space you can get away, right? See you can walk away, right? But see just enough you cannot get away.

Now when you step in, but it is just close enough, you cannot step in. Is always there. So we look for that. Almost 50/50. So everybody work on the arm, and it’s on is not on. We have to work every place until your whole body is like that.  This is on, this is not on. But see look, it is everywhere. It is everywhere. It’s.

I’m catching you, but not really, right? I am fighting you, but not really, right? It’s a balancing act. And what i did has absolutely no power. What it has is it has absolutely something you are not used to. Then you think about it, none of that can put you down, but you went down. From discomfort. Because if I am really strong, you can fight back. If i’m not, i’m very weak. I get out you can kick. But I am in a place to make you feel. We say that. It is like the people who like clean things, this is too dirty. You don’t like it.

You feel like that, but it can really harm you. You can’t, but it does. Because you don’t like it. So we have to produce this thing, to the touch. And most of the time, you guys don’t know. Most of the people who actually can fight.

I have a few mma fighters. And they said, i don’t want to fight this guy. Because this is not a clean fight, you don’t feel a clean fight. They want, like going at each other, clean, right? You don’t get a clean fight. It’s just there’s something i don’t want to deal with. Like this guy is like mud, is like i like a clean t shirt.

So train that. Find a partner. Right, so you cannot extend your body. You want to go to the back. Go. Go, but your front is too strong. See go like this. That’s it. And now pull him. Oh yeah. Yeah. That’s okay. You got the idea, but eventually you will be able to do it yourself. Rory, you do it. Fight. Yeah, lock him first. That’s it. That’s it. Catch and don’t need, because he has long arms. You have short arms.

Don’t do this. Here, use here. This is here. Yeah, that’s it. No, you used the top. Go again. Stop stop. See here because he has a long body. When you do this, you just wiggle his way out. This here is here, just go like this. No no no watch, hold on, no move, when you move he got away. Just just here. Don’t move. Pull this out to me. And this fall.

Got that? Do it again and again. Yeah. Now before that pretend to do this. Now he’s strong, right? When he fights back. You go. No, don’t pull him. No, don’t pull him. Just in here. No, a little bit short. Push like this, that’s it. Leave him there. No, you’re pulling. Go again. That’s it. Stay.

Don’t pull him sideways, go over. Over just here, over over, straight down. Don’t give him the angle. So once you understand it, your first move here, you should, this here, make this go into this here. If it’s still here, you are not getting him. See here, if i’m doing this, fight me you see. I’m doing this, right? But see. I’m here. If my power is not there, i’m still here. Can you see you still got that power? Go. Don’t move. As you do this here, this one. That’s it.



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  1. 这个视频是20年悉尼讲座的视频,来的都是当地的武术爱好者,有幸我也在现场,作为助教参加了这个讲座。在听课的时候并没有听懂讲的是什么?也做不出来类似的推手作。又经过了两年多的练习,再看视频才明白师父讲的是什么,怎么练,怎么用。
