
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package. The videos are publish one a day. But when you buy the package, you will get all the videos at once.

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Let me answer you. You do not know what you’re asking. After my answers, oh, that’s what I was thinking. You don’t know what you’re thinking. We are talking about the one dot. Now, the only problem is I do I do not render 3D. I do everything on a plane. So the first dot you add is irrelevant.

From here you have to add another to create a space. But the third dot cannot be. You see a dot. When I add one, it becomes a stick. I cannot add another one here because it’s still that stick. I have to. If you are looking now, this is the first set of confusion. The third, if you are looking at this line here, if you are looking down, OK, if you’re looking down, you see a horizontal line. My third dot has to be here.

If you are looking this way, my third dot has to be here. This is, this is called a dimension. Do you understand? Your third dot cannot be blocked by the first two visually. It creates three dimensions. So if this one is very difficult. Because when I say here, you say, well, if I look at here, this is on the same plane. But no, i’m assuming you’re looking this way. When you are looking at this plane here, it has to be on this plane. Now, do you understand? So there are three dots.

The fourth one cannot be on this plane and it cannot be on this one cannot be on this one. It has to be somewhere here, totally independent. And what does independent mean, in this case, in taiji case, it means you can put your hand there. Nobody can block you. They are not there. So once you start to understand this, your movements cannot be blocked, not because you are strong, not because he’s weak, is because. Is like here no blocking. It’s just because you cannot block it. But this can.

So we say that you start to see holes in your opponent. Your opponent is totally porous. You can do whatever you want. Most of the time. We keep doing this here and you say, Master Chen, how can I go through here? I say, well, there is a door, but I don’t see a door. You go like this. I don’t see a door.

Oh, no, no, no, not like that. You mean like this? I don’t see a door. Like this? Don’t see a door. No. Is actually like this. Is actually here so it’s not here. Once you understand it, your body is filled with holes. So this is the four. The fifth one, you guys actually did it, you don’t add one, you add an action to all of these.

So the action is you use the spine to rotate. But when you rotate, if you move, it’s all lost. Or you can use anywhere. If you are here, watch. This is four already. You can use this finger. If I use this finger, you look at the size here. So can you go like this? No, no, no. Sit there. Yeah. So this is the center, you can see it is there. When I, this is my body, it can be any shape.

Can you see here i’m causing this move. This is a very large rotation, but if I rotate from here, it’s much smaller. And at this point i’m trapped. So I have to do this. You see that I make a lot of little steps and that’s why people say this guy can’t even stand still. No, it is I don’t want to twist myself like this. At this point, I still have freedom. Now I am locked. Before i’m locked, I move like this so that i’m still here. So you understand that now?

So the last one you can also, when you are here, you can use here, but use it this way. Can you see you can do this and you can do whatever and you can choose any point. And that one is very elusive because it works at a different in a different dimension. Or you can say the method is different. Each one is more difficult than the one before.

So your question is we described it like this. I’ll just randomly go back to the plane. Two dimensional model. We did see that five dots. So your question is those five dots, are they like this or are they like this? You were asking about the shape of the five dots. That’s your question. It does not matter as long as the five dots are in five different dimensions, they’re not in the same dimension.

So when you say that you moved, it is because it’s in the same dimension. If two things are in the same dimension is called double heavy. Double heavy will cause movement. Yeah. If it’s a more rounded thing, it’s easier to do the last move. If it is like this, it is very difficult to do the last move without bending. Because you will do this. The last move cannot change. We pick a point that we turn around that point.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is it possible to combine two actions? Let’s say turn then turn in the opposite direction or one turn and then turn around another point.

You went to. I only work on five dimensions. You’re on the seventh. Because when you say opposite, when you turn it is already opposite. I mean the opposite. Let’s say we turn like that and then we turn like that. Yeah. So that’s another dimension. And it cannot be this way and this way. No, that’s a mistake. It’s as you, you see here, as you do this here, the other one is independently done. Those two dimensions must occur at the same time.

Otherwise, this is another thing. If the dimensions are sequential, there’s only one dimension, must occur at the same time. I’m sorry, I am probably misunderstanding. So three dimensions. Yes, four points to lock. Yeah. Yeah. And then what you’re saying is you fix those four points. Yeah. And the fifth point you pick then and you rotate around. Yeah. Yeah. And you can pick any position. You could pick any position. Yeah. Is it better for it to be sort of? You just pick any position, you just rotate around the position. It doesn’t really matter.

No it’s not, it’s not better or not. Is that which one will work. The only one that works is within yourself. Anything outside your opponent, it’s not going to allow that. So if you’re here, if you want to rotate here, your opponents are grabbing it. That’s why when we did this one here. So rory was locking me here. I moved here. If i’m using either here or here, he will not allow it.

Theoretically, I can rotate from anywhere. But you are caught. Only inside you, you’re not caught. So far do you understand? Remember your question, OK? You are younger than me because I got an idea it’s going to be lost. You remember it. So now it’s already lost.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Let me think this is important enough for me not to answer you, but what did I say? Oh, OK, I got it. So I, from your question, your name again? John. From your question. Are you canadian? No. No. Oh, that’s almost canadian. The, now you need another piece of knowledge to complete this understanding.

You need to know what is inside, what is outside. In general terms specifically every time there are little variations. But in principle, there has to be inside and outside. There are, on the outside there are only five. The inside, unlimited. So the outside five is two hands two feet one head. So these five are outside. In our form, the outside cannot move, can only be. See here. The outside. This is outside cannot move. You can only move like this. You cannot move like this. Number two is on this dimension here. You cannot move like this. I already said. Watch. It did not move. It is further away from you, but it did not move.

Now more specifically, I can go like this. Can you see it did not move? So anything inside can move. The outside must keep that direction and that action, that type is called peng energy. So now watch. When I go like this, this is peng. You don’t feel me coming in. If I do this, that feeling is called collapsing. When you become like this, it’s not collapsing.

So the outside can never move. It must stay there but the inside can become small. And you cannot change direction. So the feature, the chinese words for the five outside is called 争 zheng. It’s a word that means struggle.

It means the five outsides, whatever happens, there’s a little bit of a move here. See this here? Can you see the outside, he forces the outside to move? Now, let me tell you, the reason I lose balance is not because this, is because this caused the outside to atrophy. So now when he does it, if the outside does not do that, he cannot move me. So now you do a spiral. It causes the outside to move.

So all moves are that you are using anything inside to cause the outside to move. So now you understand how the outside works? The word is zheng means whatever happens, you are always doing this. You see my fingers are always trying to hold on to something outside. So it won’t come in. The head, same thing. You’re always holding onto something. It does not do this.

And so when I pull in, can you see this is in. The outside tries to stay there. Otherwise you are doing this. Zheng. Is called 五点外争. five points, outside, struggle. The five points must always struggle to reach the outside. Outside in this case is that way. Outside in this case, that way. Outside in this case, that way. It is always poking, poking, poking. And see the inside can do whatever you want, but you cannot do this.

Now, kim, see you have good memory. Because with the dots, you said you touch it like sequentially five times, but then later on, this is the same time. So it’s when you add the fifth one, the other four are together. Together. OK, so that’s one layer.

The other layer is the five are called the same time, because here here is not here and here. Because this one never moved. You added, they are at the same time. If this one is here. This one is gone. It’s sequential. So the so-called sequential is. So this is this is my standard chinese teaching.

The chinese method of teaching this concept is called the black bear goes to get corn. So the baby bear says, now I am bigger, two corns is not enough. I’m hungry. So the father bear says, you stay home, said to the mother bear, i’ll go get corn, went to the cornfield. And he said, that’s easy, right? Because every time I just you grab the corn here and grab it here and came home. But because I only have two hands, I can’t use my feet and says, that’s very easy.

And see look, grab one, grab two, the third one. Oh, that’s easy. I got three. So he’s very happy that I got it. I got three corn. No, you only got two. Where did that go? This here, we do this a lot. Your first seven years, you’re constantly doing this. And say I got three times of powers. No, only two. So what do you mean? Look at the three. Your three is gone.

So now whatever happens, can you see here, we’ve got three. But here I don’t have three. You understand that? Your, whatever you have done cannot be lost. You add up to five. That alone is power. It’s not strength. So we always say five is better than four. That’s why. Five is better than four. Always remember that.

Ok, yes. All of the points have to be on the body? No, no, no. It’s the same as his question. All those are not important. Only remember the core knowledge, how you do it, where you do it, in what shape is totally irrelevant, because at this time you can only listen to me. Once you get the concept, you get the principal, you get the training, you do whatever you want. See, that’s why the beginning. Can you see it has to be like this? And see look, this one that way.

In reality, when you do this, it still works. The guy does not have power. What’s wrong with that? And in reality, can you see it’s twisted, but we never allow that in your training. So in reality, if you can carry out with some compromises or with a different shape and I say this way, but you are young, you are here, you’re old, you’re standing like this and you want speed. You are here, you don’t want speed, you are here. It’s all adaptations at that point. Whatever works, but the core cannot change.

So that’s why when you have the core here and when people fight, each person is different, each school is different, but no school can violate the rules, because no humans can fly. I think brian is almost ready. Show you. His wings are growing, when it is about this big. Yeah, it comes out and starts flying. If your wings are bigger than the body, then you can fly.

Ok, next program. Positive circle. Don’t copy. You watch first. One, two. It has to be one not here. It’s already here. It has to be here. Combine it. Moving step. This power goes to the foot. This power goes to the foot, this in the middle, not here, not here. Ok.




















所有的动作都是你用里面来导致外面动。那么,现在你了解外面是怎么回事了吗? 争一词意味着无论发生什么,你始终在这样做。你会看到我的手指总是试图抓住外面的东西。所以它不会进来。你总是抓着某些东西。它不会这样做。












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