
段妍玲yanling,品牌战略创新服务专家,设计管理整合规划师,以“鲜活传承,心驰当下”为创作坐标的“心灵美学心中势”社会化设计创导者。被2015北京设计周评为“年度设计人物”,“中国设计影响10人”之一。北京国际设计周、OPENHEARTDESIGN心中势社计学会、北京北欧日、世界循环经济网络中国分部等多项国际级创新协作交流平台发起人及主脑。现任何里栖地北京国际创意小镇创新战略规划师、北京北欧创新基金发起人、电通公关NIWOTATA COLAB品牌创新孵化平台创意总监、 香港设计中心为亚洲设计大奖【Design For Asia Award】 专家评委。

曾任中央电视台英语频道travelogue主持制作人,意大利设计传媒集团RIZZOLI中国联席出版人及主编,你我他她创意孵化办公空间创始人及兑雅咨询CEO。毕业于斯德哥尔摩大学国际广告市场专业,后入纽约佩斯大学国际市场学深造。妍玲多年来持续以中西方文化交流、社会化创新资源整合及社区营建设计为线索,推动国际高端深度沟通及对话平台的建设。曾首创制作主持【创享2018】【创意生活】【创意领袖】等中国第一批引进国际创新设计文化的音频视频内容,以社会学和人文学角度在全球范围内审视走访最具代表性的创意城市、创意产业, 发掘影响力人物和创意故事, 探讨“设计如何改变世界”的课题。

Named as one of “China’s top 10 design influencers” by Elle Decor China, “design figure of the year 2015” by Beijing Design Week, yanling Duan is recognized as one of the earliest creative entrepreneurs, media personalities, and design evangelists bridging creativity, culture and commerce with her presence across communication, design and community building work. She takes delight in leading, engaging and inspiring a cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural teams and supervising entire development process, from envisioning strategic objectives to clear action plans, all the while ensuring value-added solutions that lead to quality results.

Yanling’s vision and action has resulted the launching of Abitare China Publishing Group, one of China’s earliest design power house, Niwotata Future Hub(www.niwotata.org), Beijing’s first co-create working space and design platform; Worlds 10 most important design events- Beijing Design Week(www.bjdw.org); and OPEN HEART DESIGN(www.openheartdesign.org), a social design community movement that seeks to revive China’s ancient wisdom with modern insights and innovative approaches contributing to China’s design renaissance age. Yanling is currently gathering hearts and heads in Stockholm and Beijing for: OHDA FUND, Circular Economy Network Sino-Nordic Colab, various urban regeneration projects such as WHOLIS CREATIVE TOWNSHIP development and more. In the spirit of connecting and inspiring, yanling shares her creative ventures and “life-long learning”experiences with magazines, TV shows, design exhibitions and seminars for media, interest partners and the public audience distributed by China Central China Travel Channel, Beijing Design Week, OHDA’s media and design partners.


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