How to Purchase English Videos at This Site

All English videos on this site.

All English Video Discount Packages on this site.

English videos are listed in the English language. Sorry for the inconvenience of having so many Chinese language items that you have to skip through.

How to purchase a video/video series:

  1. Click on the video you want to purchase.
  2. You will see an icon like this one:
  3. Click on the icon. By doing so, you have made the purchase. You may also be prompted with your current web-dollars number and asked to confirm the purchase. If the dollar number shown is smaller than the cost of the video, you need to top-up your web-dollars. If you have enough web-dollars, click OK to finish your purchase.

How to purchase web-dollars:

  • Please paypal money to
  • Make sure you write a memo so that we know it is for purchase of Chinese site web-dollar.
  • As of April 8, 2020, the exchange rate is USD$1=¥7.00 yuan. As this is a special service of this site, which is not automated, please allow 24 hours for processing.

How to view your videos:

  • On the computer, go to the front page:
  • You will find this on the upper-right of the screen
  • Click on the green icon. You will see a list of your videos purchased.
  • Click on the video title you want to view. A play button will appear.
  • On the phone version, go to the front page:
  • You will find on the top-left cover of the screen:
  • Click on 用户 (user) and then My videos. You will see a list of your videos purchased.
  • Click on the video title you want to view. A play button will appear.

How to register as a user

  • go to:
  • to the right middle of the screen, you will find:
  • Click on 注册
  • 用户名 User Name (please make sure your user name is in this format:  John Smith)
    电子邮件 Email
    密码 Password (minimum four digits)
    确认密码 Confirm Password
    姓氏 Last Name
    名字 First Name
    简历 (必填)Bio (must)
    请输入下的安全号码:填写底下的数字 Please enter the security numbers in the box
    BlueBox 注册 Register

All English videos on the site.

  • Navigate the Chinese site. At the end of the titles list, you will see this icon

    Use the arrows to navigate the the previous or next page. Again, this is a Chinese language site with some English language videos. You will find it cumbersome navigating through the site. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Enjoy!