
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package. The videos are publish one a day. But when you buy the package, you will get all the videos at once.

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And on the catch here it is here. It has to here. If it is here, it won’t work. If it’s here, it won’t work. It’s the right spot. You see that straight line? I never, no, i never moved. I moved, i only moved to ensure you are on that line. If i’m here, see you are off. It’s here. Can you see I went here? I went out of the way, so that you can continue.

I go slowly, okay? He is there, no good, no good. I’m one hundred percent on his stomach because here i only got his head. He might fall on to me. But i go like this here. You might kick me. This is free, but in your middle you lose control.

So, on the control here. Halfway here, he’s there. I have to go like this to get him here. On this here, can you see i move away? And the faster, the more accurate. Because speed you can change, slower speed you can change. I have to make a move before you can modify yourself. So this is the first move is yesterday that.

贴(Tie), sticky, sticky comes from moving the whole. If i cause this move, not sticky. I cause this move, not sticky, this move, not sticky. I was sticky here but got the rest of the body lost. The whole body came. And when he is moving like that, i let go. I turn and i have to push him along his trajectory. If i interrupt, he got power here. Because on his trajectory, that’s called a free fall. When i interrupted you got your grip again.

Fighting is only like that. If, let’s say here. Push me you see. He can you see i interrupted? But see watch. But if i’m like this, he got it. It has to be I interrupted. It’s on the free fall. If i have anything, go slowly a little bit. Anything, see, he’s got power, but even here. No, no. Watch. This is your power. This is working, right? If i do here, it didn’t work. If i interrupt a little bit, it won’t work. Here if you tense up, can you see won’t work? So if he tenses up, his energy tenses up, the other yin energy went to his feet. So i go here is still works.

So i went, i took his negative energy. He bulges up here. I went to his feet. It’s always in there, and this is way way too complex to understand and learn. So all you need to do is follow instructions. And then you realize this is the easiest thing. You think about it, it’s not possible. You just do it. It’s that easy. Because your sensitivity is millions and millions of times faster and more intuitive than your brain can compute.

Is like a juggler, right? You think about it, how is it possible? How many?? Muscles and things in control and a firing, and all of that, you just do it. Yeah, so when you do this though, are you still putting the five dots? Yeah, no, you’ll remember it. You don’t have to, you don’t have to ask. If it’s correct, all those things i said are in it. And if it is incorrect, none of things are in it. But then the rotations. Yeah, no, the rotation is there, period. And it does not have to be seen by you.

Yeah, yeah, and i have a rotation there, yes. If not, you see when you push. No dot. See. Can you see? If i only go with you. I moved, right? So that foot never moved. So you expand it. So do you see the three there? So one, two, three, on the three, i only turn my waist. If i do this, can you see it is lost. I only turn here, at that point, one touch. And at that time, usually you move, it’s much easier for me to track you.

See that power? As i touch, i know his power and see has no power here. Otherwise, we’re only capable of doing this. Right? Fight me you see. It’s already there. I did not have any power on him. Do you know what happened? Watch again. So this is power, it won’t work. When he pushed, i went, can you see i expanded? I rotated here, here. Even in the end. If i have power on anything. Not one part of me is strong enough to do anything to him. Can you see no movement? If i do this, it won’t work. Expansion, expansion.

This exercise. That’s it. No change, right? No change. Not only that, if i place my hand like this here, no change. I’m standing there. You feel that? It’s still there. Mhm. I’m still there. And still there. Whatever i do, there’s nothing you can do because i’m still pushing you from there. If i do, this is lost, and still there. This went to his foot.

Do that one. Change hands. I stay there. And now i changed the hand. It’s still the same. Now i changed the hand this way here. But i’m still doing this here.So i can be here. If i do this it’s lost. And keep the right direction. Yeah. You can stand there. You stand behind me. No, no, you stand here. You stand here. The first one, you go like this. The other hand. So that you are not blocking the view here. So here, squeeze, the muscles are squeezed into the bone. One piece, and then use the other hand to enhance it. So now, lock it harder, so that i’m not, now you feel it’s locked, because otherwise, it’s like moving the skin. You squeeze there.

Now grab here. The other hand. And here, two different directions. So you can twist me. This one is this way, this one is this way. So you can cause a twist. Over here. This is on top here. Yeah, and now twist it. And this one too, because you’re twisting my my, no, doesn’t matter, together you twist it. Yeah, yeah, you adjust yourself. I just wanted to show you. You have to have a hold of my forearm. Twist my whole arm without rubbing the skin. So when i say twist, sometimes you are doing this, that’s not. You have to.

So you can change into your own way of grabbing to twist it. Yeah, twist it. This is open. There is no move here. No, one way. Don’t don’t play with it. Ok, now. I hold it for you to change hands. And continue with the twist, don’t change direction, continue with the twist. Yeah. Continue with the twist. Does this move at all? Can you see the inside? This is totally separate, unrelated.

Now you twist the other way. You feel the separation is right here. And now change your grip and twist again. More. Change, go underneath and change it. Yeah, yeah. You hold it. And go more. This is called open. So what you normally do is, now you watch. You twist it. You move here. So now you twist you without him holding, you see.
















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