San Francisco Day Two Seminar Notes 旧金山讲座第二天笔记(英文)

Xavier Santiago 夏维尔・圣地亚哥

2018.07.21 陈中华老师美国加州伯克利实用拳法讲座第一天

The wrist must be full. Do not think or project your ideas into Taiji. Holding the stretch in Taiji is called Peng.
Peng- is the Taiji word for your action. In Qigong it is called qi. In the Taiji world the highest thing or level is called Peng. It is a state of being inflated. Peng is being “very energized.” Another definition of Peng is that it can never go back. Once you expand the wrist, it cannot go back.

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Once you establish the wrist you cannot go back. When given a correction, do not contradict the teacher. Real listening is to write down what the teacher says. Humans like to argue. The teacher explains what he is observing. It is not personal. When you do something wrong, you are not listening. Your answer should be, “please, explain again how to listen.” When the teacher puts you hand in a certain position, do not rebound it back. Eliminate that habit.

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Peng is like an a sand bag. When you kick it it stays there. When you do that you will be able to learn without knowing. When you are a soccer or basket ball you get kicked power multiples into you and are thrown out. Your mind must be passive when you are being taught. A spinning tire has no power until you touch it. It is a passive power. It is not aggressive. Internal power has no bouncy ness. Our power is passive, not active. When you have a chainsaw the tree is not coming to the chain saw. The chainsaw does not go to the tree. You move the chainsaw to the tree.
Peng is one. It can only do one thing. To use it you need another power to move that power. For the first to hit your face you cannot extend the arm. The body brings the fist to your face. The fist has the power. When you move it the. It looses power. The foot must be faster than the hand. The foot gives you the speed to move the fist. The fist creates hardness. When you build those two there is no counter for that unless the opponent knows this method. Your powe is a combined power. A bullet is the best example. The bullet maintains a shape. The gunpowder creates the speed. Anything a human does cannot become the one. The gun powder and the gun make the bullet move, not the bullet itself. The human body moves and cannot do this. In Taiji we train one part of the body maintains hardness and another creates speed. Our practical method is a method to create this, otherwise you can’t do this. The method is a cheating device. This method gives you another ability a human without this cheat method does not have. You only Gain this ability by listening. In the end we do not have the answer.

伯克利讲座20180721 Xavier Santiago in Berkeley

Once the wrist is inflated, everything stays there and the fingers spin. Nothing moved. It is a spiral like the rudder in a boat. Taiji creates water like activity. You need a rudder.

One thing can only do one thing. Once the wrist stretches t can do nothing else. When you spin the fingers, the wrist does not move. It stays stretched. You add the fingers.
When you stretch the hand it becomes a rod. When you add the fingers you add a blade to the rod.

伯克利讲座20180721 Xavier Santiago in Berkeley

One plus one plus one. You are always adding, and never changing. Power is maintained and you add one to it. The add another and so on. Never fluctuate. Information must be consistent. Once you know this method at the end you do not need to touch people. Movement without tossing is power. When you maintain everything then the slightest touch produces great result. This is one once overcomes 1,000 pounds. A rotation is not a movement. All devices that transfer energy must have rotation. A rotation is the separation of yin and yang. It separates itself from everything around it. The power in Taijiquan is dependent on how clear you are.

伯克利讲座20180721 Xavier Santiago in Berkeley

Clear separation is like a door hinche that the encasing does not feel it. Unclear separation is muddy.
When clear the energy goes through the opponent. The clear one line of energy shoots like an arrow. It is not power, but accuracy. You must be able to add. Adding to the number five becomes a spiral. Touching five points creates a spiral. You leave it to the opponent to do the moves and you add to them. Your movement cannot disturb the body. You must maintain power.

伯克利讲座20180721 Xavier Santiago in Berkeley

The five element theory is a theory for earth. Heaven is 9. Earth means practically real, heaven is a theory. There are nine joints. There are 5 level you can do. After you achieve all that you can physically achieve then you can get enlightenment. Once you learn the physical you then figure out with your brain. Most people cannot understand what is given to us. That is heaven which is not within our reach. When you don’t do anything you just walk right through your opponent.
Power is like a piece of board, it does not isolate. Example explained during the step forward in King Kong nailed fist.

伯克利讲座20180721 Xavier Santiago in Berkeley

13 postures are used to. Train and undersetand power.
When doing final move of king king nailed fist, the right fist is connected to the left heel and you punch up without going up with shoulders.

When master chen gives us an instruction it is always something we can do. He asks simple things. If he says sit in the floor it means exactly that. Do not go home and try to figur it out. Just listen. Give up individual mind. There is not one thing amarte Chen can do we cannot do. You have to do it. But you do not do it because you always think there is some thing else. Listen literally to what master hen says. Do not asdume something like you can’t take a step (as in the elbow in part of twisting the towel).

伯克利讲座20180721 Xavier Santiago in Berkeley

You can only do 1/8 of a circle. Each move is in Yi Lu is to incrementally complete the circle.

Real learning is take from the form what you need and reduce and reduce until there is only one thing. Chen Taiji specializes in the connection.the form trains the connections. It’s not waiving your arms. Learning is difficult because we cannot see that Master Chen only does one thing.

In our Taiji we don’t use the word qi. There is not the word qi. We use the word Peng and no other word. Do not change it. Do not say qi means Peng. Just use the word Peng.
Do not change your nature. Be at your original state. That is what is song. Song is not relax. Song is stay at your original state. Cotton remains cotton and steel remains steel. They do not change there nature from cotton to steel or steel to cotton.
Peng is constant. Constant pressure is Peng. You resist the pressure until it begins to turn and that is Lu. Lu creates an imbalance and you stick to it and that is ji. When you stick to it he falls automatically and hay is an. Caí is creating a differential in speed with one action. Lieh is not alive, it is creating a differential in speed with two actions. Zhou is traditionally called “elbow strike.” Zhou actually means to twist. Kao is whole body strike. Zhou is to twist. Kao is whole body strike as a one piece no matter where the contact is.

Second guessing causes confusion.

Functional length. It is dependent on where the pivot point is placed.

In Taiji everything is an illusion. It is functional and not fake.

Whatever is done correctly, the opponent does not know. The opponent only feels mistakes.

When master chen asks what it feels like, do not describe it in words; come and feel it.
When starting the form and doing any move on the form, it always starts on your foot. Move the foot first before starting the form.

Five without. The opponent feels as if nothing is there.

To be close- when you get to close to some people they do not know what to do.

A move like water refers to not jumping. That is the water quality in martial arts. Water follows. It does not fly and land.

A jump in our form is when the the opponent relaxes into your move, you jump and go forward as he is repelled back.

Integrity is the technical term. Do not disperse your power.

Never bend the back. The back is like a stick.

If you train the same move, no matter how unrelated to martial arts it seams, you will get a skill where you do not beat the opponent. The opponent will be so frustrated because he does not know what you did. Our fighting is different. Practical method is that you don’t know what is going on.
Our Taiji the more higher level you are, the more mysterious you seem.
Our movements are sequential and clear, but when you do that a lot it seems smooth to other people.

After 3 years of training the cannon fist, every move must then draw blood

When the power is real, the countermeasure is real.

When you ask questions do not talk about yourself. You are a participant in the art. You are not it. Never say “this is great, can somebody like me do it?” Just say, “this is great.”if it’s good it’s good. Do everything you can and it does not matter if you fail. The art is still there. Never put yourself into this equation. What Master Chen says is what Hong told him. Do not put yourself in the equation. Do. It ask the question of “what are we.” We already exist. We only ask that of what is not real. You are already here. It is an irrelevant question. Never ask for the meaning of life. The answer to that question lies one second before death. Don’t ask, just live your life. Just live you’re life.
Power is always power. If I strike your throat, will you say “too stiff”? There are different levels of doing things and you give it different names. Yet it is the same thing. Internal and external is just a way of saying that whatever you do you are not better than me. There is no internal and external. That distinction has no meaning.

The mother movement of all martial arts is called breathing. You swallow and spit.

In Taiji the body is never where you think it is.

Every body part can move individually. That combination causes a power. There is no linkage anymore.

The secret to opening the Kua is not bending the knee. Moving two Kua at the same time means Kua is not open. When they move independent energy then moves in a loop. Do a lot of twisting the towel and fetch water. It must be physically released

“You must live a humble life” refers to tucking in the rear. Thread in the needle goes through. It never pokes.


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