



收徒仪式:司仪何家伟。新徒弟:庄泳欣,Lou Sacharske,

2019.03.04. 上午9:00


Segmented rotations.

Rotation exercises 旋转练习。


2019.03.01 从埃德蒙顿乘机飞四个小时多到多伦多。飞机晚一个小时。何家伟和旧金山学员 Fred Wong 在机场接我。



而后一起去了一个社区文化中心,在它们的大厅里练了一会拳。 何家伟笔记:

Day 0

Fetch Water

  • 何家伟私课20190302加拿大安大略省万锦市。

    Put my front knee against the bench.

  • My front knee should be on top of my front heel.
  • Make my fetch water action much, much, much bigger. Only when there is size, it becomes useful. My action is way too small, Master Chen told me the same at the last workshop as well. I have not changed yet.
  • Once I am done with stretching the top, while not moving the front kua, knee, foot, move the rear foot to increase size.
  • Whatever I do, the front knee is not moving.
  • Train the whole yilu with one specific part not moving.

Six Sealing Four Closing

  • Grandmaster Hong used to teach it like stretching from the front heel all the way to the rear kua. However, too many people made the mistake of sticking the bum out. When your opponent touches you at that moment, you fall down on the bum. It is the big size created without movement that is significant.
  • Hold the opponent’s left arm at the wrist with my left hand. My elbow pressing into his elbow. Stretch and lock. My right leg in front of his left leg. Stretch my top locked structure again my non-moving front kua. I cannot create space during this process.
  • Don’t create space, but you need a little bit of space to separate.

Push Hands Drill 1

  • Stretch the opponent around to the right on the top, at max stretch, sit down.
  • Stretch the opponent around to the right on the top, if the opponent resists, stretch the opponent at the bottom to the left to fill any space created, at max stretch, sit down.

Push Hands Drill 2

  • Train to just hit the back of the opponent’s thigh with my thigh. Understand how the opponent reacts to it, use the elbow in to find that hit to make a pair. Always finish the move, that is the most important thing. Everything else can be comprised, but not this one in the instruction. We always think in the opposite way, that is why it is so hard to follow the instructions.
  • Alternately, if the elbow-in is resisted by the opponent, make the kua find the elbow (cannon fist move).
  • The above is one pair. Fingers finding the elbow is another pair. Kua stretching into the knee in the other leg is another pair. Eventually, everything goes towards the same non-moving dot. When all space is taken out, rotation happens.

2019.03.02 晚上推手之夜活动圆成功。比赛从晚上七到十多。 紧凑紧张。




2019.03.03 周日上午讲座期间,陈中华老师为学员们写了书法。拍卖六幅,收入赠给多伦多分管购买推手垫子。


关于 陈中华

陈式太极拳第十九代传人(亦作11代),陈式太极拳实用拳法海外掌门人,陈式混元太极拳二代传人。1979年起从洪均生宗师习陈氏太极拳实用拳法,1996年起从冯志强宗师习陈氏混元太极拳,为两位宗师入室弟子。 拳、剑、刀、杆俱精,推手技击出神入化,常发人于无形,堪称观止。生徒遍及近百三十国家地区,著述及译著丰富。
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