
讲解: 陈中华   片长: 12 分钟   语言:中文   年代: 2019  难度:3/5  地:大青山陈中华太极馆

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他这个力劲和静力劲,我们练习的过程就是慢慢地去掉所有的力劲,就只有静力劲。你看, 我给大家演示一下,刚才我们这几天一直在这,先不用这个作,你看你来推我你试,他有个力劲,看到了吧,他这个劲呢他有个力劲,动力劲什么他是个皮球,他一推的时候,这个皮球你这么一踢它的时候,你踢了它一尺,实际上它走了二十二尺,就你踢了不就这么大么。


所以我们一定要把你那个劲引出来,就是因为你有力劲, 我们呢要用对方的这个劲,翻过来呢我们正好自己呢不造这个劲,你看我推他的时候,我要是这样的话,我这么一推,他就能借这个劲,你看,但是呢,我没有这个劲,你看我这地方,它是这样的,我只是往这走。


probably you can see what i’m trying to say,so in Taiji terms we divide power into two different kinds, one is dynamic, one is static, dynamic is like a basketball, so you put in here,I only kick from here to here,let’s say one meter three feet, but the ball is going to go,maybe three hundred feet or not a good idea that’s a soccer


So we in Taiji the other one is you got a sand bag here and you kick it, you kick three feet of distance, it might go one foot, if you very strong, it will go a little bit more, so that’s static energy or power, another example is when you sit on the chair and before you sit on the chair,the chair reserves one hundred percent of its energy and one hundred out of one hundred is balance when you sit on it and this guy with one hundred percent,

he not how much you weight, you weight one hundred percent, so when you sit on the chair, now the power on the chair is two hundred out of two hundred instead of one hundred out of one hundred, the result is each still balanced but the two hundred out of two hundred is not the same as one hundred out of one hundred. So that power is there,but you cannot see it, it dissolve move,

it dissolve touch, it dissolve bounds, as again compared to a basketball, you reserve power, they exist goes up there, and if you really are very good at it and you go like this, ha, as this, and it’s called the Shaolin basketball, the vice is Shaolin soccer, and it goes into another planet.


你看他没,但是过去他那个数量是100分之100,他就是平衡的,现在他还是平衡的,那个椅子还没,但现在是200分之200,就是他有200斤,你坐上200斤,他底下出来200斤,他就平衡了,这个平衡,看他没,但是已经和刚才那个100斤,他平衡了100斤已经不一样了,所以我们呢要明白这个这个道理, 所以最后呢,嗯,跟大家想说的就是我们完全是用一个一个静态的转换或者说manipulation,我还不知道怎么说了,就是玩的是静态的游戏,玩出了一个态的东西来,你知道我新造的词啊,刚才这是突然造成出来的,

So the idea is that we play with individual combinations of static movements, and the combination of this manipulation of static movements will create dynamic movements, and that’s why you go against your opponent jumps hubs yields screens like an… any questions?

有没有问题? 嗯,一个。(学生:could you show us an example of the combining of the two?) yeah, this is what actually i’m going to teach, so far I’m leading, I’m just a setting this up for what I want to say. 到目前为止,我只是给大家做了一些准备,下是讲的,刚才看了你们做这个作,实际应该怎么做,他推这的时候,哎你这么斜一斜,就不堵它了在这吧。


did you see the way? so I will do it this way, come over here,This is one piece, push here, two singers so we want let go, can you see this is one piece, at this time we are all doing this, uh, very strong, but in reality we should do this, so you split and then change the one to forty five degrees, so these two moves create stability without exerting force,so the splitting will come from here

站在这儿,哦不是站在这,你站在这儿的话,这么高有点矮,蹲在那可以啦,一个手扶这儿,坐下行吗,哎一个手放这,一个手放这,哎,你看它是这样的,现在呢,要不趴下 this is too high, maybe lie down 我会转换一下方位,是这样的,这两个胯是平的,他一走到这儿的时候,他这个胯你看,你们看到了吧,他成四十五度了,这边儿推推不动啊,你推推试试,你们过来看一看,这一也没,也没使劲儿,他就是你那个门,后边儿那个顶门栓,是四十五度斜着放上了,并且把他放了之后,你可以轻易地把它提上来,他没有地方拧上,也没有使劲儿,就是放在那儿,等你推这个门,它就不了。

so the, we have uh, I don’t know the English term, term for this,the ancient door is not secure, so at night you put a stick, there is a soccer you put it in and this stick is roof you can pick it up, there is nothing nailing it down or screwing it, and the stick itself has no power, and it’s not really strongly secured but it’s lying there at forty five degrees, and you cannot push the door open, so there’s two static positions, causing a dynamic power, so if you hit that door really hard, you bounced back, creating that type of woman by the two actions themselves are not dynamic



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