
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package.

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And once you rotate, you also move your body, but you never move your body. The movement for your body is a result of your rotation. And that’s why the movement cannot be detected. Because you didn’t move it. And that power coming out of rotation is totally different in nature to the power that comes out of move.

Like I said, right from day 1. We are turning our body into machine. And once you are able to do this, your body is different from any other human body, because all human bodies are animal bodies. Animal bodies use muscles and tissues and all of that. We use those to create not a movement but a rotation. And it’s very difficult.

So once you understand it, when you are able to do it, you will realize that you do not move. And the action, and you know the word i repeated all the time but you’ve never heard of it. Because you can not catch, there’s no filter for it. Is to clear. Do you understand?

Because when there is a pile of body parts against each other, like a pile of two by fours. The correct movement that causes rotation is one piece clears another, another clears another. And normal movements, one piece leans on another, another leans on another. It’s all leaning like this. Can you see this clears. So you think of this clearing this piece.

This. Now, if you grab my bicep, top and bottom. Use strength. As long as you don’t touch here, so now you touch here, no strength. Here. And that’s it. Watch. Come closer. My job, you look at. This is the demarcation. This is the bicep, this is the forearm. Can you see? It clears. So this here, clears here. And now you pinch it a little bit harder. And now when I go, you go with me. Go with me like this. It clears here.

Otherwise, when you use two hands to grab me. And rotate me. When you do that, it came here. Can you see this?  This is called not clear. That move drags into here, but now you rotate it. No, lock this. And squeeze, yeah.  Now you rotate. No, no, no. As one piece. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you see?

So, be stronger. Lock it, no. Here. So that’s it. Lock here, squeeze so that so that it’s not like this, it is one piece. Now you rotate from here. Can you see that piece? There’s nothing here. And you can continue, there’s nothing here. Continue, there is nothing here. This is called to clear.

Without that ability you are not rotating.  So whenever you feel you are clearing, it does not matter the shape of your movements. Because rotation is related to a circle and that action. It does not have to be that. So scientifically you re, you re, redefine as long as when you are clearing. It’s a rotation.

It does not have to look like a rotation. To clear is different to opening the joint, but they have to open the joint to clear. Yeah, yeah, but, but every time you, you, you go further, you have a chance of losing what I say. So that’s why you stay here, stay here, until that clearing is a hundred percent, and you cannot be wrong anymore. Because if you extend it to another concept too early, then this gets to another word. Not clear, it’s called muddy.

And when it is muddy. So now you see here. Now. That’s it. Put a finger here. Yeah, that’s it. Here. Don’t touch anything only here, push it, that’s it, just enough to feel. And when you fight me, and I fight you here, this is called muddy. But see. There’s a movement. But there isn’t, that movement came as a result of reaction. This is not a reaction. This is a movement.

One move has to be totally clear of something next to it. So now you touch me here without the fighting. No, one finger here. Here and here. Yeah. And whenever I do something here, it always is here. And especially here is always here. But can you see?

Understand, right? So the move you are doing is synthesized like any move, that has to do with the technique. As soon as you touch. Here. So when I want to push in here, we all come here. And because of that, you immediately lose all your abilities. Now, you are less than 2 months old. Maybe 2 to 3 months old, you start to be able to eat, intend to crawl. But you don’t have that ability because you cannot move at all without moving here, you can only do this.

So this gives you very little ability. And you try, and try, and try until this relinks to your foot. The power is on the foot. So our habit is the power is always linked to what’s next to it. Our training is you have to skip 1. You have to skip 1. You see this power? If you pull up? You see, it links to here. So now you hold it here. And I give you very little resistance. So go. Can you see? Even that little it won’t work as this moved?

Now you do it again. As you do this, you tense up here. Again. Tense up here, gradually you reestablish a link. This is bypass. And only by bypassing the. You do several bypasses. It comes back as a circle.

If you link, it’s a straight line. It never comes back. So that’s why we work with three. If it works with two, there is no rotation. And the work with three is everywhere.  So when one works with three, that’s dominance. Two works with four, they support. So that’s always one action, one support. Our problem is one is action, two is also action. And that’s also always double heavy.

Now you understand? That’s why this is one. This is two.  Whenever we we work with one, two is always here. So now it’s like this, can you see? This is not allowed.  So this power has to come from here. And eventually, it becomes. And. Related to something modern.

And not necessarily accurate, but as an analogy that’s the double helix. So 1 gives to 3, 2 is 4. So it does this 3 to 5. 2 to 1, 2 to 4, 4 to 6. And they are intertwined. And when you see them as one movement, but they are two totally independent moves. One is this way, one is this way. And they are.












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