
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package.

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It has to. And he will be airborne, and he will be tripped like this, otherwise you’re still slamming him. Like your power is still stuck on his body. But can you see? Try that. Yeah. Don’t move. That way. Here, go this way. You are here, right? Turn this way. That’s it. Stop. Hold him halfway there. Go. That’s it. From  there. Don’t move. That’s it. Not enough, go back. Go. That’s. This stays here. No move. It’s only going to rotate here, with this one here. Go. Come here. Yeah. Feel that now.

There is no real taiji power, unless where the power is becomes empty. Do you understand that? Say that again, sorry. There is no real taiji power until where the power is becomes empty. So, hold me here. Yeah, you can push. See, at the beginning, i’m doing this. Empty you feel this here. If you are still here, that’s no real power, because you can get me. This is what, no, no, push me. This is what I give you. And you are here, is not empty.  You push you’ll see. Continue to push. But.

Go. So you empty the middle. This is the middle you empty it to the two ends, all the way to the two ends, and then you empty here to the two ends. Empty here to the two ends. Towards here. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. If you have anything here, he can still get you. Now, immediately. Ok, switch it. This way now. Yeah. Do you understand now?  Totally tight. Stretches with never letting go of this stretch. So this, this is rubber. So you go like this. So you pull all the way here, and then switching to there, without here, otherwise it collapses.

Yeah. This is, in reality, ok?  This is the first move. From here you see, is stretched. This, all the way the power is there.  If this is not enough, it’s all there.  At that point, if you go like this, it’s lost. From here, it stretches to here. Can you see it’s here? Stretches to here. If you have anything that collapses.

The two ends will have no power. So you do a spiral here, you go here, and then go here. This here, can you see? I’m going to fall on the floor here. Can you see this is the vertical of the fall here?  This switched to here. Totally reversed. So your opponent will feel nothing. Except the empty space. There is no confrontational push there.

In the future, all moves are like that. You touch me anywhere.  So this is a push, but can you feel it’s a stretch? So from here can you see it came back? From here, it stretches to that side. Understand that now? So now with people with the power, I use the power. So see that power here?

 I immediately use here to stretch over there. There’s nothing in your body. Push, you see. This is your body. Receive his here, I stretch over there. Mhm. There is nothing in your body. Push me you’ll see. This is in your body. You see this here? I stretch over there. Watch. This is in the body. From here.

You see it, right? Go. Stretch, open. Open all the way. That’s it. Stop. Hold him there. And switch the stretch here. You moved your hand. The kua is good. You did that but your hand came back here.

The hand goes into another one. Open. Now, this here, don’t come back, go more open. Yeah. Like the movement before. You change size and make yourself a little bit bigger. This is one hundred. This is one hundred and one.

Now you feel that now? Yeah, you feel you get torn in halves. So, do 5. Ignore the accuracy. Do 5. Carry it out, switch. Big switch, no, you’ve got caught in here. Go again. You see it he got caught here. Ok, see watch here. No, your back hand’s not there. This has to go this way. This has to. No. Here. It has to be here and there. And this, this way. That’s it. This way. This way more. Fold. Here you can bend. No, bend this way. That’s it.

Remember, it’s the other side, you are caught here. And watch you are caught here. But see went to that side. So now, watch this line. You see this. See my two hands? This curvature here eventually it becomes that way. Stretch. Now switch. Almost. The middle here, all the way. More.

Go towards me. Go back. You don’t have the curvature. Go back. Ok, go in. Try it. Stop. So you are here. You are doing this. Here and here. Go that way. This here go this way, and then turn this way. Now turn towards me. Yeah.

So. Carry that out. 3 more. Forward and backward. This line. Go. Yeah, that line there, go that way. And then over there. Yeah. But hands continue to go the same. You change the inside. The outside never changes. Ok, stretch over there. The front. Rod, that way. And then turn that way. Yeah, that’s it. One more. Ok, go. Yeah, that’s it.

So Rory do it on Paul. Stop. This is going to be very hard. Right now, you’re aiming that way.  So here, aim towards here. No, as you do that, you need the hand to go backwards. If it’s the same direction, it’s no good. That’s it, that’s it. Step in more. Lean back. Now, only this line. And no. Two steps. Go in with me. This line here, go that way. And then this way. That’ it. You feel the last part. Stay there. That one, swing back.

That’s it. But as you swing back, this has to swing this way. In the end, you create this twist. Go. That’s it. Stop, you have to lock here. And lock here. And then push here. That’s it. Now, this time. You switch this, this was a lock, right? Switch it to this lock. No. Don’t. Lock here. You latch on to him, and this one here latch onto him here.  It’s going to move this way and that way.

And this going this way. Twist it, that’s it. That’s the twist. You have to twist yourself. Right now, you twisted him.  See watch, you twisted him. You have to twist yourself. Just watch me, you can copy me, together. At the beginning, it’s here, and then here. Yeah, that that last bit, but power comes from the twist, not from your arms. It’s going to, that’s why it is going to create spasm here and here. Go.












这个往这边走。扭它,就是这样。那是扭转。你必须扭转自己。现在,你扭转了他。看,你扭转了他。你必须扭转自己。只是看着我,你们可以一起模仿我。一开始,是在这里,然后在这里。是的,那最后一,但力量来自扭转,而不是来自你的手臂。这就是为什么在这里和这里会产生痉挛。 走。


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