
讲解: 陈中华 片长: 32 分钟 语言:英文 年代: 2011 难度:3/5 地:加拿大多伦多。

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In this video, Master Chen showed us how to prevent an opponent’s incoming force from penetrating into ourselves with the 3rd count of the positive circle. It is a invalueable aspect of the positive circle.
在此视频中,陈老师向我们展示了如何通过正圈的第三个来防止对手的来力穿透到我们自己背后。 这是正圈其中的一个可贵的地方。

关于 陈中华太极馆多伦多教练、青山教练何家伟

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  1. 23:22 Cave-in: We have to learn what cave-in means by watching Master Chen closely. If we were in person with him, touch and feel what he was doing. Don’t try to change the words and try to change it to fit what we might be thinking. Try to understand what Master Chen really means. Later in the video, he also called this mud slide. Mountain was still there, but the mud just slid off the mountain. The back could not move, when the chest caved in. This is separation of yin and yang.

  2. 4:00 Master Chen talked about Intention. The opponent wanted to push him back, but his Intention was to resist. If the opponent was able to push Master Chen to go in a way that the opponent wanted, and the opponent successfully made Master Chen follow his Intention. However, if Master Chen was able to go in a way he desired himself that he could link it back to his finger, and the opponent was not aware of it, then it would not be the same even though on the surface it was similar to the first case according to what the opponent wanted. This was what Master Chen meant for that special place. Until we are able to produce that difference as mentioned, do not use the word “Intent”.

  3. 1:36 In order for Master Chen to further open in the 2nd half of the positive circle, he rotated his bicep with inside of the arm going from top to bottom, and this action was matched by his right chest going the opposite way on one side and his hand on the other side. His elbow did not go wth the turn of the bicep and the shoulder-to-kua line is also not moving.


  4. 0:23 Master Chen demonstrated that a conflict was created by the incoming force and his push back. In the demo, I was pushing on his bisep, and the energy went though to his other side. By locking his body, and he opened his armpit, my energy was directed/deflected elsewhere.

    陈老师演示冲突是由对方的来力与自己的反抗力造成的。 在演示中,我推着他的上臂,而力穿透到他身后。 通过定住他的身,然后他打开腋,我的力被转移到了其他地方。
