
“拨”是太极拳推手的一个重要概念。 进步拨是一个使用这个概念的具体动作。 陈中华老师2014年在新加坡的讲座中的视频片断。
讲解: 陈中华   片长: 6 分钟   语言:中文   年代: 2014  难度:2/5  地:新加坡

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So, now you stand out here, normally, just normal, push,OK,  now you see, this is normal push, everybody likes to do this, do this, when I,  my elbow went, I created a room. With that little bit room I created, I move my front foot a little for slack. It’s called 垫步. feather step. Can you see? notmuch, By doing this here, I was able to do this. now this time, can you see an extension, Because of this, When you do this, it is not the same any more, so I’m going to do this without move, you see here, see, watch, That’s the real miracle.And the problem is, You don’t like to follow the procedure. The procedure is only one like this. and justlike this, everybody wants to do this. So this is the first step, so, I’ll show the move again.

01:12 You feel, you do one push to feel, ah you feel like this, He can resist. But this time,Hold no move, As you do this, Just loose step, As you do this, here, Then you do this. So it’s very simple. Once you are here, your back feel strong, When you push, don’t move your rear foot, feel strong, everything goes out. that’s it. Do not do it with a partner, Do it by yourself, Then you work with your partner. because you need to feel one two three steps, the procedure.

01:53 这个火候,非常难。所以难在什么地方?你老想在一个很舒服的位置,对方也很舒服,你就是要进去. 你试,你堵住我你试,堵住,你看,很难受的,就这个地方很难受,就在这个时候,我手一,你堵不住。

所以,因为要倒的地方就是平衡的位置,平衡的时候你不要怕,你加一他非得出去,因为这是科学,你得相信,两个人平衡的你加一出去,我们只要一平衡了你不舒服,就两个人评的时候你不舒服,你要占个优先,哎,占优先,他不可能,怎么办?离的远一占个优先他没用。远一的话你就觉得舒服了,你远一和他占优先,没有用。你远一的话你觉得舒服了,但没有用。最后交手的时候你还得碰,碰的时候你又不知道怎么办了。你一定要碰,碰的时候你一定要碰到最不舒服的地方。So when you make contact, You have to Go to a Position where you feel very very uncomfortable, Because that’s neutral position, in that position you and your Opponent, are at fifty fifty, Equal, and At that point, you do this, you win. If you move,Your fifty fifty is lost, So that position is very very difficult. So if you make a larger move,On the push, as soon as I touch here, I, See, This is his power.I have to go likethis, this position I’m fine, you cannot be there. Because you are, you don’tlike it, I don’t like it, either. I have to to be there. (I train myself to say I have to be there) Because I’m here, I feel much better, yiu push, we are equal. When I’m here, I feel terrible because if you push here, can you see,  it’s terrible. Now, you push you will see, at this point

不入虎,焉得虎子No pain no gain

If you don’t get into that Terrible position, You’re not creating a terrible power。


Now let’s do it with partner. no fighting, just try to experience it.Because once you get into a tug of war, you lost your move.

04:16 The structure And the techniques behind it.现在呢用技法,实战是怎么样?就是他一碰我,来我两个人怎么推,推我 ,你看啊,两边紧了,中间这么一断,出,一断,出,看到这个作了吧,一断,出,直得吧,两头有用,这个地方断了,中间一断,出。这叫定住两头打中间,这个就是螺丝,不对,spring, spring, 弹簧,

So the two ends must be very strong,Only use here to maneuver. 所以他不能这么松,顶住了你看。但是呢,这个不能起来,顶住了,顶住伸开。这个呢原则还是什么呢?收肘出手,收的肘,出的手,不能收的肘,出的肘, withdraw the Elbow without hand. The overall action is, the outside is big, The inside becomes very small, And The outside becomes bigger Again这就是用法,用的时候那就不要想那么多了,就是有用,就是它的大小作你看着太小了,啊,你看进去了, 占了个位,然后一手,还在用,注意

05:58 肩上没开啊,好,好了一,我告诉你没开什么意思,你进来吧看肩是这样的,你这么推吧你的肩要开,要开,不能有这个,啊你没感觉到对吧,哎,好,再来,哎,好,进来这个可以,但是出手的时候肩要开,好,再来,晚了,中间停了,一气呵成Finish the whole thing  in one move走,好,换过来,可以了,刚才那个作,你来。

06:51 你呢上前上的大,整个你的力是三的话,往前去1后是2,你有这个趋势,要这个感觉,不能是这个感觉。你往前去多了一,哎,不能多,多的原因是你肩走大了,要脚走大,脚走大,你肩走得微微一大就多了,再来07:22 好,哎,这个可以。总这个作刚才拘谨了一,但是呢,记住,脚永远不会错,你脚上来一,叫他错不了,因为这样的话你倒不了,但是呢,别的地方大了,他就倒了。所以上步大没关系,哎,多做几个,放开多做几个。看出来了吧,上步,跟步,出手,上步的时候是松的,跟步的时候是紧的,出手的时候是硬的。上步的时候是松的,一跟,紧啦,出手的时候是硬的。这三个的就是三节的变化,再来。So when you step in, it’s loose, when you Step up to fill the gap, It’s tight.last  move, you’re stick.You are strong.好,再来。很好啊。

08:09 把这个肩给挤了,挤住肩了。不错。你一停,他打得好,你试试。哎,没进去啊,就是你为什么没进去你上肩了,你看,这就是没进去,要这么样进去。哎,好一,还是要往后,你看吧,这个地方是被腿拉着往前。这样子不行,这样太往后了。好多了,不要动,再来,不要,这个地方劲大了,嗯,往前去,不要用力,你在这儿吧,不要用力过来就是了,这个地方在这,再下去,在这,哎,起了肩了,他起了肩了,先起肩了,你们两个一起做试一试。

09:30 Let’s see, you can’t put it together yet.Try it. Do it together, go back and do it again。See, you have a gap there. once you go in, you didn’t carry over.It has to be one move.来,你跟他做。You push him.你做在一起让他试一下。哎,是连在一起吧。Very important.One move, second third, the Connection is very important.

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