
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package.

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It’s the other side, right? Yes. Go, see you lifted your shoulder. See here, no. No. Watch. More. No, more, not your shoulder, lead with here. Can you see the power is here? Would you show that? The way of touching you just can’t. Watch. Same here. See? It’s the other side. Like that every year. OK, go, yeah, we have. Yeah, it’s southeast Asia and Australia.

You are still, while you are doing, you’re still moving. After one and two, your body becomes one piece of board. And that piece of board has to be folding like this, a cannot have individual moves. Are you on? Now, I can talk from here. So go back. So the top, just slightly attached and no action. The first move is to put your foot in. And while doing that, your body goes backward to slide in.

That’s it.  And then the bottom hold the anchors. A foundation no move, stretch your chest and arm and elbow and hand. That’s it.  Now, by this time, your body is one piece of thin board. And the whole board, based on 51% below. Start moving towards me. Yeah, that’s.

So that’s the 1, 2, 3, 4. The fifth one is when he blocks, your board is too small, cannot cover. Remember, you can push him without technique, because you have a large piece of board.  He has a small thing blocking the board.  It won’t work. If his structure is almost equal in size with your body, it won’t work. So, you stretch. And make the board slightly bigger. So there are two stretches, right? Or if you want to use the accurate concept, every move of the four is a stretch.

Yeah. In a common way, there are two stretches. First one step in with your foot. Go. On the touch, no, too late, on the touch, you go, that’s it. And now the bottom is established. The top, no, your top went forward. That’s it, that’s much better.  Now lead with your front thigh below, one piece of board fall towards me. Halfway hold it there. Ok, that’s good. And this time, go directly, finish off.  Four. Too high. Too high. The last move is too high.

Ok. No, not that height. Go back. Ok, wherever you are. Yeah. (Unclear) you started here. You started below, can you see it? And, you start below, immediately. Yeah, feel that now? So if you ask me. You must imagine that you are creating a free fall so fast you lose control, and you drag him into it. And if you can’t have control, he latches on to you, he falls. But your fall is Intentional, he has no Intention, he can’t help himself.

That’s it. Go. No, fall from the bottom. Yeah, that’s it. Yeah, yeah, rory, did you feel that? So when you fell from the bottom, your body still went loose. It has to be one piece of board. You still had a little bit of move. Remember, every mistake you make translates into a slower speed. If there is no mistake, it act, it adds up to being very fast. Yeah. You got caught. Now, you got caught. No, no, don’t go down, just start from something at the bottom to push. Yeah. That’s good.

You stayed on top too long. The top is a split second when you found your top, you must continue with the button. Like you hesitated on the top. Yeah, that’s it. Very good. Yeah. There’s still, from setting up to action, there’s a hesitation.  Did you see, Paul? If he’s totally continuous. It is regarded as power because he can’t find a place to start his moves. When you hesitate, he will fight back.

Go. Very good. Not enough stretching in the end. Stretch from the stomach. Yeah, yeah, yeah, good. Now, your shoulder is a stronger than the kua. Paul, did you see that in him? Do it again, paul, you pay attention to brian. When he acts, see, the shoulder, can see much stronger than the kua. Make the kua stronger. Yeah, yeah. The shoulder must be stable to maintain structure.  Power must come from the kua. Yeah. It still went back to the shoulder. Too short, your stretch was not big enough. That’s it. Yeah. You see it now, right?

Go. Stop. Go in, stop, trip your foot, trip it. Make him fall the other way. Yeah. No, you went to the other way. It’s. You have to go as if the first move you go forward. Yeah, now no, go up towards me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, over over his dot. That’s it. At that time, at that time trip him and threw him backward. You give him the Intention, he’s going to fall towards me.

Then you make him fall that way. Okay, over. You feel that? Trip him. On that trip, that’s it. And as you trip, your hands. That’s it. Back more. Yeah, yeah. Go. No, lost it. Go. Too late, no, you went down. Stretch like this towards me. Yeah, that’s it. When he’s hesitating, he’s about to lose balance. You swing back. That timer.  That timing is very difficult, you have to find it.

Too late, because he’s already on you. You can use it.  But the best ways you put him towards me and then go back. Yeah, that’s it. You see that? Yeah, you did not swing back enough. On that one, you have to pull him big back there and trip him towards me. Yeah. Yeah, now go. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Go. Bigger, bigger, no, still too small. You did not swing. You fought. You are here, you fought. You are here, can you see you swing him? No fighting. Because you caught him like this. From here you are doing this to him. And see, on here you are doing this. You see, there’s a fighting. It has to be this way.

I show you the feeling, the stretch. I got you here, right? You feel this here? And then can you feel, can you feel? It’s outside. You were on him. You understand? Do you understand that? When you do it right for the first time, you will have a spasm, either here or here. Touch me. Here and there. Behind. Mm. Yeah, little bit higher, little bit back that way, that’s it. See you are here. It’s. Your twist. Feel. There, those two muscles.  I’m doing this. As this happens, it has to.











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