
This is part of a video series of the Feb. 2020 Chen Zhonghua Sydney, Australia Practical Method Seminar. You can buy the whole series of more than 66 videos if you like this one. If you like, you can buy the entire series as a discounted package. The videos are publish one a day. But when you buy the package, you will get all the videos at once.

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Later, that one bullet is more useful than all of them moving like this. So learning martial arts is the same. If I don’t know martial arts, you know martial art, you have a very good punch. But I don’t. I have this. So if you’re not well-trained, I will win. But if you are well trained, none of this will be useful.

So we only have this one. Doesn’t matter where you touch, it comes here. Now, your question. Let me see whether, let me check whether it’s enough. No, what kind of is this? Euro? Only accept euros. Listen, i’ve got money. I got paid. Are you openly bribing me? A gift. I see that big difference between australia and canada, and china. Actually in china, we go like this. You are doing this. And we do that.

Ok, question. Forgetting about my lots of mistakes. Positive circle. At my level, am I better? There is no your level. There’s only one taiji, there is no array taiji. Yeah. Waist, trying to do kua. Yeah. Waist. Now, what’s the question? The waist. What is the question about the waist? Don’t just say the word waist. Should I be doing just my waist?

No, no, no, come from the shoulder. No. Make your move slowly. Slowly, slowly, no, slowly, slowly, go back. Lost already. You cannot move. Only here, go. Yeah. Now put your finger here. You only feel. No, finger here. You only feel that. If I. See this? It is lost. Lost. Only that one. Yeah, don’t tense up. Only. You’re going to hit over there. And let me show you the spot. This is the dot. Touch it with your finger again. Remember that.

This is why you guys are not capable of learning. I teach specifically. It took you how many years? I tell you it’s here. You never knew that because you don’t listen to me. I don’t know what your name is, so I cannot blame you. So my teaching is very easy. Will not take three workshops because this one solved, there. No. Two here. These two dots must meet. When you do it like this, it’s not right.

All your other questions are irrelevant. We only have this one. So on here, irrelevant. And let me do one because there are two, right? Two dots. The first one. That one no move. You put your finger there. I do this one for you because at this point in this angle, you cannot move anymore. It is this feeling. We were off, is here, it’s this thing.

So when you. Your move is to place yourself here, wait for your opponent to push you. That’s the push. When that happens, I do this half. You push your foot and and now you put your finger here. You feel that dot? You put your foot until it goes there. So I do this. You do that. It ends up in the middle. If you get 51, I got 49 and it goes this way. If I got 51, you got 49 and it goes towards you.

This is the only thing we do. And I teach this. You cannot hear it because you got a question about your back, about your hairstyle. You have a different question. This is it. So so far you can do this in three months. It’s you’ve gained more than the last seven years. So now you see here. I’m doing this here. Whatever happens, you must relax. Meaning you are thinking of that. When I do this, you are thinking, how can I redirect it until we are here? And I do this here and here you are thinking, oh, if he gives me power, I go like that. Can you see? Like that. And if i’m here you are thinking of how it goes there. That’s the only thing i’m teaching you. That’s the only thing you need to know you.

Show you a secret. No, no, no, no, no. Like, go like this. There is a little bump. No, no, no. You go until you find that little bump. There’s a little little. No, no, no. It’s a little like a z. Through 40 years of training. You look for it. Did you find it? Not sure. Oh, my god. You touch that spot. You feel that? And what do you feel? An indentation?

I just told you there is a little bump. That’s what I felt. Then you call it an indentation. Yep. In finnish we do. But I translated it into english. Oh, in finnish indentation is a bump. No, I lied. OK, so. So let me explain. OK, through years of this here, I got a little bump here. I hit it all the time. There’s a little growth.

Yeah, yeah, i’ll put your finger on it to save you time. You feel that spot and now you look for it. Go over it, you see, it’s a bump, it’s a ?, ? right? So who wants to feel that? So this is, it’s not important to have it. It just shows you i’ve been hitting that spot for a long time. What you need is to look at mine and draw lines and draw lines on yours. Don’t wash it for 10 years. Feel that?

Slightly it bounces off. The real taiji fighting is to bounce off, but there’s no bounce off until you line up. When you line up, you push a squeeze like you squeeze two balls, steel balls and you give a little bit. And it goes like that. And that falls apart is like jumping. Because you feel there’s something hitting you like a needle inside.

So we want to do that with every part of the body starting here. That’s why we’re doing this every day. Until, can you see this here? If you do too much, it is like this. You do too little is like this. You don’t do anything. You’re like this. And if you’re here, it’s like that. It’s only here, you meet here. You see that? If you move, it becomes this. This is a rod, but it got hit.

So everybody wants to give this a try? 50 on each side. The only way. You already know the theory, that’s all you need to know. As long as you write it down. Don’t deviate. Don’t ask another question. This is all you need to know about this particular technique and then do a hundred thousand times and you will be better than the guy who did fifty thousand times. And so far, you guys cannot be as good as me. Why? I’ve done it way more than you guys.

And with the same theory. Once I tell you, you know the same theory. And you always say, my body can’t do it, you haven’t put enough time. You put enough time. Why would your body not do it? Because you drift off and think about something else again. Each one has to be done. It’s like i’ve done with a record starting from about 2007 to today, i’ve done fifty six thousand yilus. And all the ones before I did not record. I consider i’m very methodical, the ones I did, but I did not record, I don’t count them. Only the physically recorded.

So if you record yours, even if you roughly estimate how many yilus have you done? So your body does not have that shininess. Is like this rock has been rubbed, it shines like jade. And yours is rough because you did not buff it, right? You’ve got to do this. You’ve got to do this until it is rounded. It’s not just a thinking. It’s years and years of this. It’s all smooth.

OK, do this one. Created a slack. You want to create compression. You, I go here by the time it is here, this one from the foot. Can you see how big? Big gear, small gear. So to activate the big gear, it’s counterintuitive, all these years, you are all training here. There has to be a big gear. It is effective, you can see it. Whenever you can see it, it’s the fluff. You understand?



















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