2020.02.15 悉尼笔记锺百豪 (英文) Sydney Notes by Brian Chung (English)

  1. Life is a disaster. Positively. Negatively.
  2. Story about getting out of China in time.
  3. One With the Dao.
  4. All the things I do right are when I am not doing things right.
  5. Story about Taiji lecture with five Alberta officials.
  6. I don’t see things. I always see connections.
Workshop Day One – Morning Session
  1. Isolate the Kua Exercise
  2. When you do the correct moves, you will feel totally different.
  3. Taiji Dance #1
  4. Chuyige. Something has to come out.
  5. When something comes out, we say he has it.
  6. To stretch. To fan out. To spread. To grind.
  7. The foot is faster than the hand.
  8. 1-2-3-4 Exercise. The rhythm is such that 4 must be completed in one go.
Lunch at Thai restaurant
  1. I held Masters wrist and gripped it strong. The power went over (and through) to the finger.
Workshop Day One – Afternoon Session
  1. Tripping Training Exercise (1) Push the chest, heel in. (2) Use the inner side of the foot to hook. Use the hand to touch. (3) Action: Use the middle. It compresses like a piston. When you know how hard it is, you will train.
  2. Not on not off. Example: a pair of scissors.
  3. Push Hands Move – Two Separate Ways to Train (1) Give you the position and work on the action. (2) Get into the position and stop.
Push Hands Teaching Lesson
Action: Scissors
Concept: To Add One / Establish Five Dots
Theory: Rotation
Push Hands Exercise.
  1. [Start] Get in position with your thigh touching behind your partner’s front thigh.
  2. [Preparations] Take the space out by adding at least three independent points of contact. [Adjustments] Elbows in, shoulder down, front kua up, chest down, head up.
  3. [Action]. Lock the top. Only move the leg. The rear shoulder and rear kua cannot move. Seal the space straight down with your waist.
  1. I asked Master if you measure push hands in number of hours trained. He said it is also number of people you push with.


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