
着法”是陈式太极拳实用拳法的一个重要概念和术语。着法是讲自己身的部位(通常是手)和对方相交相合的方法。正确的方法可以将自己的劲传到对方身上。讲解: 陈中华   片长: 16 分钟   语言:英文   年代: 2011  难度:4/5  地:大青山

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All right, so the, the concept we are covering with this one here, The concept is called zhuo. OK, This concept is called Zhuo: Z,H, U, O. In English it is called to adhere, to adhere to. And the exercise we just did is the most basic, it’s pressure level, and then it’s direction. Direction. You can not, Once you touch, You cannot change direction. And then there are variations of all of that. This is very very basic.
01:51 And I’ll show you again, so the idea is, once, We only Use the hand, Two hands grab like the way I grab like this finger, the longest to (towards) here, this length here , never changes anymore, so you never change, the grip can not change, so now if you push me, can you feel I change the grip? I reacted to you push, so the power level in the arm, all the way to my hand, starts to fluctuate.
02:25 so push again, you feel that here, so what we do is we hold on to this sensitivity level, and don’t change the grip, do not change the Pressure, and when you push I release it with my elbow, and this is totally the same. when you pull I do not fight back, I just did, Can you feel the difference? But now I keep the same level, when you pull I let go off here. if that’s not enough, I do, I move my body.but whatever happens here, it is always the same, it’s exactly the same as, putting sticker here what would you do, this, the sensitivity Of the pressure level on your arm Does not change any more. Because it moves together, becomes one piece
03:14 so further this concept later on, once you achieve it, when you achieve this skill, this ability, when you are able to do this, you are able to Harmonize. to harmonize is to become one with, to harmonize with you is to become one with you, it means once we reach a certain interactive model, we don’t change from that anymore, so very different variations on how to achieve it. but It has to be that will become one. so this is the most basic exercise. so you push, I let go here, you pull, I extent the elbow. And all your activity you do are toward my hand, and I, react with my elbow, so this is technically explanation,
04:00 so in terms of principle is that you hold the hand steady, no fluctuation, the same move, so pull, and push, movement is here. so now you pull, and longer, than I give my shoulder, And now it’s very bad, so I walk in. but the pressure on my hand never changes, so this is most basic exercise we just did.
04:24 so number two, you grab him here and touch here and you can grab it, okay, now you make move on it.so now once he grabs two points should distance between here and this we hold we’ll never change, so what is, so you do it, you see. you twist, so I did that to compensate. so you do it again. so the wrong way is, I just did it correctly, now this is the wrong way. you do that and I’m fighting back. And you did it again, I loosing again. loosing is wrong, to fight back is wrong.
05:01 now, Do it again, Can you see, your move Reduced by here, And my kua, And the forearm never Interacted with you. you Twist it, can you see that, I use all the joints are parts to achieve that Action. so this gives you arch The ability of zhuo, it means, now you watch, when he does this here, because my zhuo part can ‘t move, my focal point, interaction with him, the real energy on him, never changed. so can you see it is still there. if I do anything else when you rotate I fight like this, it’s changed, and if I let go which is loose it’s also changed, but now there was absolutly no change, I’ll use other body parts to modify it, so this is two point, so the first one we did we call this one point, and now two points.
05:55 so now even more difficult here. So you can do this , step in, now twist me, can you see there are more points , becoming more difficult, so now become more difficult .so now to harmonize , can you feel, I move this leg, so that these don’t move . otherwise, you go, if I do this, it’s wrong, If I fight, it is wrong. If I do this, I’m out. So now you go you can see, everything changes. Even I push him, still has to be over here. It’s not where he touches me. these are all the parts touching you. so all the parts I’m touching you, that means you have to move on and ask you a question, so all this party type of movie more you make a move now you go you see you see everything changes. so you can call this a technique, if you see this is a special way of movement, but overall in turn of the concert, this is called zhuo, so I’ll show you another way, lighter way, So I touch you here. That’s it, I don’t do this or that anymore .I touch,And my energy goes through there, No change, the change is on the Rest of my body ,not here Any more.
07:08 So when you touch me, see, there is a touch here. There’s a microphone there. So now you push a little bit, can you see the change is there’s a fluctuation of energy. And now, can you see I move my waist, and my foot, The sensitivity, the feeling here is, exactly the same. And now we do another interacting, let’s see, Everything changes now, can you see that. But now, no more change, whatever you do, Can you see my waist What did you do I go with you, Can you see my Upper body never move. If I move we are fighting like this. But now, no moves and further We go on like this, No move, one like this, one like this. Can you see the upper body did not move. Now you see the difference. Now, you look.
08:00 The ZHUO is still here. If I move it, there’s no ZHUO. So this is a concept of ZHUO.And now I’ll show the alignment on the arm to see. When I touch him, My finger is in a Alignment with his Shoulder here. With interaction, If I do this, it’s lost. the ZHUO is lost. Only here. So, I moved here to further align with him, and not enough, I can align elsewhere with another part here. it’s always in the same spot. And I cannot touch and start doing things kind of like these. I don’t let him initiate it, can you see, That’s his direction. If I try to change this, we fight with power, no change, he does that here. I have jumped, my own body can you see. he’s here, I pushed him here. It’s totally the way he want it. So, This is Zhuo.
09:00 let’s , on this afternoon , We only do to exercise, one with one hand, Another with two hands. So i’ll show you the other way with two hands. So just grab me. grab me like this. A little bit in to control it. If I move this that means I have no Zhuo. So I allow this to be caught, And only move from here,And from here, from here, it’s one piece. I never struggle within the area he controlled. Like the Chinese weiqi, When he control here this two, this area is controlled by him. So it’s not mine , so I don’t work on it anymore. So this is mine, I work on here, here, on here, until he goes out.It’s useful, so, wherever he touches, if he touches me like this, with his foot behind me, From, this foot to here, it’s all his.I don’t use it anymore, Because if I Fight, everything is under his control. And I just move something outside, that’s also ZHUO.
10:03 When you try it, you’ll feel find something really Difficult because it’s counter intuitive. The other parties you don’t have the habit to move. Another part of your body, your habit is only to move the body wherever it’s touched. I’ll do a large one for you, come here.I’ll have it is only within here to here. Always find here but want you to touch here.So whatever you had number one I don’t number to change direction, m I don’t change pressure level. Into the direction from, when I power, same thing, same thing is not changed, number and then I will change a change the pressure level, number three you join movie you move outside. This is your inside, I’m from outside, can you feel, whatever he’s been controlled I’m outside of it, and let betty came from the school concept of ZHUOO, let’s give it a try.
11:34 It’s a tai ji principal based concept, so once you want to use something, that something becomes complex because that’s why, in our forms, in our system, we do not teach a lot of applications, until, after, maybe fourth year, because any application you want to do must be done with the support of many principles, concepts.
12:00 otherwise, the applications themselves are useless, so the ZHUO is a concept, it has no particular application. But since we are using it to demonstrate, then as soon as you touch people to show ZHUO, many other things must come to play for this action to be useful for you to feel. the concept itself is not useful. In this exercise, I showed a few things. Ultimately This one I want to show you, that’s considered a very high level in Taiji, it’s just touching, passing the energy through, without leaving. The word I used to say is “to leave” ,Leave means you lost the adherence, The Zhuo, is lost, so Zhouo is “Touch”, as I said earlier in the explanation, “Don’t move it”, move other part.sh,
12:58 at a very fine level, I’ll use your shirt, just for the sake of the white. You see here. Now if I actually, come and see, here and here, I’ll pull back a little bit to show, so right now I touching him here, so I stick to him, no movement which is Zhuo. but in order to push him, I had to use a system, in our system I can only push him with the lever, but without the lever, all my actions are non-power actions meaning I’m sticking to him, taking out the space, and aligning, all of those, but none of those are actions, the final actions should be a Lever. Lever in this case is touching him here and lever him like this, you see here, this is the edge, lock it, make a liver. But this is very simple to show. you can all feel that here. but the problem is, when I touch, it doesn’t work like that, your liver size is so small, when you do that action, it becomes this. So this is what I mean by a “left”
14:02 a left means the Zhuo is gone. So we just said, when we touch it, don’t move. don’t move, don’t change size, don’t change sensitivity and don’t change compression, and don’t change angle, and all those are lost, so now if this does not move only move here down, that’s the, if you, if you can do that easily without getting off, Getting the departure here. You’ll feel a very strange action here can you feel when I touch, here, instead of pushing, instead of pushing like this,
14:35 Just by rotation this line here, led by the middle finger, see that rotation here, has power, and now a big one you see, when you’re here, so this is a movement, can you see a lot of things left, here and here, left! but all stay, with little rotation here, you can see! so this is difficult, I want to.
15:04 now, you can feel with that inside your hand, grab, because against the background, they are grab. Yeah, against that you can’t see, but here you can see. when I do this, it’s lost. but not move, only rotate here, you’ll see when I do this, so this is a very difficult because the Zhuo point, it’s very very small, when we are talking about the Zhuo of the hand, then use another part of your body to push, this is very large. But when you are talking about the Zhuo of one of your hand, like here, yeah, when he grab, my Zhuo is here, my movement is here, and it’s very small, and inside it’s a hold, so it can easily be lost. so no move here and I add, can you see that Zhuo here, so utilizing this and be very good at it will give you a very special, mysterious power, it’s not really power, just the ability to carry out the instruction of doing Zhuo, you can give this a try, but this time we are not going to succeed. But first two exercises we’ll succeed.


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“着法”视频花絮(英文)》上有 5 条评论

  1. 太极拳论》中“由著熟而渐悟懂劲”的“著”就是粘著的意思,建议改“着法”为“著法”,“着”或“粘”包括两部分,一部分是“合”,要求被控制部分保持沾感觉不变,调整身体其他部分以对准敌之力线,所谓“人背我顺”,另一部分是:随人而,后人而,所谓转阴阳,就是“急则急应。缓则缓随”,说白了就是,对方的控制不可能不动,我方粘着部位也要随,但不可离了对准,离则为“丢”,不随则为顶,先合而后,在中找战机。

  2. 管理員:
